Matt Langtree

First Screencast - Sequel Pro Getting Started

This is my first attempt at screencasting, so go easy. The motivation behind this was a general consensus that the release notes for Sequel Pro releases were consistently long and nobody besides the developers would even read them.

Installing Sequel Pro and Connecting via a socket and SSH Tunnel

I’ve had a fair bit of feedback from peers about the way I present in my screencasts:

  • I need to speak slower. - I need to emphasise stumbling points for new users. - Screencasts are for new users, not me. So make it easy to follow. - The typing is a little loud but it is good to get that additional audible indication of what is happening. - Mouse movements need to be more clear and concise.
    If it all gets too real, I may have to turn commenting off, but for now let me know what you think.